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Refresh your spaces with paint and stickers

27. april 2020

How long has it been since you've changed the color of your walls? Transforming your spaces is excellent to give a renewed air to your home, but if you are looking to cut costs you can adjust your budget with the use of stickers, which is an economic, easy and practical trend to give a modern and fresh touch to your home.

In today's Brycus tips we will introduce you to stickers, tell you how to prepare your walls to make a perfect decoration and you will find a complete guide with ideas for all the spaces in your home. Take a paper and pencil.

What are stickers?

In the world of interior decoration, full color stickers and single color decorative vinyls have gained great fame for their versatility. These designs made to be adhered to different types of surfaces like a sticker are used in kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms and exterior walls.

They are resistant to the sun, water and sudden changes in temperature. In addition, they are easy to apply and remove without damaging the walls and enhance the space with their creativity.

 Before placing the stickers

If you have already decided to change your home with paint and stickers you will have to prepare the walls where you will set up the new decoration and the first step will be to choose the surface where the design will go.

Make sure your wall is completely smooth, with no gaps or unevenness. If it presents any inconvenience, you must repair it with the appropriate plaster or cement for that type of texture and then let it dry.

Once the plaster or cement you used to repair your wall is completely dry, you must sand it well so that the surface is at the ideal point. Afterwards, paint it, always thinking about the color of the stickers or vinyl you will place. Discover Brycus' painting section and you will find a wide range of colours to match. 

And the time has come: 5 ideas for decorating with paint and stickers 

The stickers and colors you use on the walls of your home should be in tune with the environment and the objects. At Brycus Advice we leave you ideas by sectors.

The children's room

If you have small children, the room can be filled with brightness and color to give them lots of joy. We recommend decorating in a thematic way depending on the tastes of your children.

For example, if you have girls and they love unicorns then you could paint one of the walls of the room white and place a huge unicorn in full color that is not covered with any object in the space. Remember that practicality should always prevail, so don't sacrifice strategic spaces for decoration.

If you have a boy and a girl and the room is square then you can customize the wall that is closest to each of your children's beds and place the color and stickers of your favorite characters. Also, you can leave the other two walls without anything to give a sense of balance, the idea being that it is not too overloaded.

The kitchen

For that important space there are thousands of options you can place and paste. If your walls are covered with marble, granite, ceramics or any of the infinite number of materials used in kitchens, it will be much easier to place and later remove the stickers or decorative vinyl.

To achieve a perfect effect use designs that match your kitchen. For example, you can use stickers of utensils, fruits, vegetables, or chef's hats to bring more flavor to the space where you prepare your food. You can also use food phrases or the name of your favorite recipe.

The bathroom

Generally the texture of your bathroom walls can be similar to the kitchen, so you can apply stickers of the same texture and resistance, only the designs will change.

Be careful not to place these decorative stickers too close to the shower because it is a very humid space that constantly receives water and could damage the decoration in a short time.

The social areas and the main room

 The living room where you receive your guests, the dining room and the garden can also be finely decorated with paint and stikers. Discover the painting section and choose the one that best suits the environment.

First paint the wall you are going to choose properly and then put that decorative touch you love. For example, in the corridor that leads to your living room you can put a stiker or decorative vinyl that simulates a table, put a mirror over it and it will look great.

With respect to the main room, there is a tendency to place motivational phrases, love phrases for couples or family trees with photographs of your parents, children or grandchildren to have your whole family present in the most intimate space of your home.

Refresh your spaces with paint and stickers

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